Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The pathway to my home lay drenched in her song,
As she splattered droplets so gently as to pamper,
Leaves and flowers soaked happily in her dance,
And the little birds on the aisle sat together cuddling never to part...

Her song, the rumble kept singing in my ears,
The tune so lovely, romantic, merry to hear...
Sprouts of life peeped from the earth within,
And the smell of earth, so pure engulfed the air

The Sun stayed away, shying away in the clouds,
letting the rain take over to soak the earth cool....
Like the thirst of a parched dry throat quenched...
Rains so mesmerising, feels elite ànd fresh..

Friday, June 1, 2018

It has never rained so lately,
All drenched and never stopping, 
The platter sounds outside, falling apart in a rhythmic tone,
For Some,melancholy, 
for some, joy.
Memories are brimming and so heavy 
like a sponge soaked, 
alas it would be easy if they could be rinsed off...

It has not rained so lately, 
Like a hailstorm that was silent, waiting to pour down...
And it has come to a drizzle now, but only to rain again...
Melancholic chatter within, it stays like an impression never wanting to fade away...

Joyful thoughts come like a lightening show, 
just a second and then disappear into thee,
Only to pave way for the thunder to strike,
And once again let the rain pour down, like never before, 
So much intense, that it stays within, 
and shall never fade away,
As long as life continues...

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