Thursday, November 24, 2011

I’ll write this poem of love for you,

My incandescent lamp, that you

Glow with every passing moment, into

The avenue that is sweet laden and so sober

I’ll write this poem of love for you,

My breath of life, that you

Engulf me with passion, so dear and

Enduring in my smooth and sometimes rocky road

I’ll write this poem of love for you,

My sugar candy, that you

Pamper me and my life with all

Adoration, in my path of life and eternity

I’ll write this poem of love for you,

My companion, that you

Walk with me in every step, and smoothen

My journey to live my everlasting life with you

I’ll write this poem of love for you,

My dear, that you

Rekindle every moment to keep me at pace

To help me relive the aroma of the beautiful life showered on me…


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